In a field bought in 1784, Jean-Joseph Laborde, a financial investor, created a park which was
designed at the beginning by Bélanger (architect of Bagatelle) and then by Hubert Robert (designer of the park of Petit Trianon).
The park was regarded as the best of its kind, but unfortunately the only fabrique really preserved
is the column Trajane, 37 meters high, located in the "petit parc", on the east hill. Remains of most of rocks still exist,
but this is not enough to feel what the garden was like in its prime.
At the end of the XIXth century, the Laiterie, the Temple of the Filial Devotion, the Rostral Column and the Cenotaph of Captain Cook were relocated to the park of Jeurre , 15 miles North.
These past years, the park of Méréville itself used to be visited Saturdays and Sundays afternoons in June. Attention : due to the storm of December 26th, 1999 the park is closed in June 2000.
Jeurre is opened Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 10 H and 15 H, Saturdays at 15 H only. Closed Wednesday and feastdays. Wait at these hours in front of the grid of the castle in Morigny-Champigny (some kilometers north of Etampes). The grid is on the main road; one have to drive from Paris to Etampes and turn back, since U-turns are impossible on that road.
Provisional page - You still may view some photographs that Ronald W. Kenyon took in Jeurre